Christmas time began on Sunday, November 29, at RBBC—a time to consider Jesus together! Believer, I encourage you to stretch out your faith as you discover (or discover again) how amazingly great Jesus Christ is! He is God, the powerful, living Word of God and He is greater than the prophets of old. He is superior to the angels, the anointed Son of God. He is the Son of Man and far greater than Moses, and He is greater than the Old Testament priests, being the perfect High Priest. Also, He is the Glorious Mediator between God and mankind. He is supreme! Let us acclaim Him together as we gather this Christmas, and let us invite others to consider Him, too.
Invite men to Men’s Night Out on Dec. 5; bring friends and family to the Denver and the Mile High Orchestra Concert on Dec. 18; fill a pew with your circle of friends on Christmas Eve at Rocky; show the love of God in Christ by building bridges into the lives of others. And share the gospel of Jesus as you pray for opportunities to speak of Him.
“He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of His nature!” (Hebrews 1:3) Let us magnify Him and make Him known!