A blog by Pastor Carey Olson. Commentary and interesting articles for your consideration.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Vote Prayerfully and Carefully
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Revelation 7:9-10 Is True!
"After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, 'Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!"
People from every people group in the world will be redeemed by the blood of the Lamb! God's promise is sure! Let us share in the joy of Mike and Libby Wild and their sons and their teammates, and that of spiritually dead Wano people who been made alive and saved by the power of the gospel! The Wano tribe is no longer an unreached people group!
You will love reading the testimonies sent by the Wilds found below! Keep on praying for an outpouring of God's Spirit on the Wano, and for rest for the Wilds.
This past Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, we presented the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.It was a strange feeling to be presenting the "end of the story" after many years of preparation and 3 months of daily teaching. The Wano language that has taken so much work to grasp, was now being spoken freely by us, and God's gospel of grace was being communicated clearly.
We did not use any gimmicks, flashy technology or big props-only the written Word of God, spoken in the power of the Holy Spirit.
God opened many blind eyes and darkened hearts to respond in simple faith to the completed work that Jesus Christ did on the cross at Calvary. It is so sweet to see that He is a lover of all types of people, old and young, murderers, the polygamous, loners, warriors and widows alike have believed.
It is an amazing work that Yahweh is doing, and it is such a privilege to see first hand the joy and happiness in the hearts of some of these people. In many ways our work is just beginning as we take on the task of discipling the new believers. They are already asking if there is more to Yahweh's talk and when they are going to hear it.
The last few days have been spent talking to individuals and groups. There are some who are still unsure or confused, but we feel confident that we have about 30 new brothers and sisters in Christ. There are still more that we have not had a chance to talk to yet.
We will be heading out for our annual NTM conference on Friday and will then spend a couple of weeks in town to relax and stock up on supplies. The Ingles will be staying here in the village to be with the new believers. Thank you again for rallying behind us these last weeks.
with thankful hearts,
Mike and Libby
Here are a few testimonies from some that we have talked to...
From Morgan's email - One of my friends (Weton) was talking to me today about how Jesus died on the cross for are sins. He was confused and so I explained to him how the Israelites killed lambs to cover up there sins. then I explained how Jesus was our final lamb and that if you believe that he died for you, you become his child. At that moment I believe he became God's child. He said that he believed and that he was happy!!!!!!
Akila - I was in my front yard and he came over to where we were sitting. His eyes were glowing and he was smiling like I have never seen him before. He is usually a quiet guy but he opened right up when I asked him what he thought about the morning message. He said very confidently, “I am an ancestor or Adam. He was the ancestor of my parents and of me. I was born into Satan’s hand. But today I have heard the end of the story of the great thing that Jesus did. He died, and his death paid fully my own sin debt. That is the job that he completed for those that believe. And I believe that he died and paid my sin debt and now I am a child of Yahweh. I am now an old man and so I am very happy that I have heard this talk. Thank you, my son for bringing this talk.”
Igarowe - “Today I have heard the great thing that Jesus did by dying and shedding his blood. I am an evil man, but Jesus, in his death, has paid for my whole sin debt. When Yahweh ripped the temple curtain from the top down to the bottom, he showed me that I now have a way to join back with Yahweh and it is through the work that Jesus did to pay my full sin debt. I am now a child of Yahweh and that is all I have to say”
Malam - I have never seen this man smile in 3 years. His wife committed suicide years ago, and I have heard that he at times would become possessed by a demon and he would do super human feats-like one time he jumped off of the big rock in front of our house dropped 20 feet and keep on going. Yesterday, he was over in my yard (for the first time ever) and he had a smile on his face. I noticed it and told Libby that evening. This morning after the teaching, Malam came down soon and sat close and was listening to Liku, Temi, the boys and I talking about the teaching. After a while I asked him what he thought, and after some probing, he said that he believed that Jesus had paid his sin debt. I asked him if he was a good man or if he could do anything to make himself right with God. He said no, but that he believed that Jesus paid his sin debt. I asked him if that was the case, then was he a child of Yahweh, and then he said “Yes, Jesus has paid my sin debt and I am a child of Yahweh”. It was as simple and matter of fact as that. He was smiling and had a sparkle in his eye. It was the most I have ever heard the man ever say. So for a man of little words, the words he chose to speak had a lot of weight to them. A little later on, out of nowhere, he said to me, “We Wano people here were living in the very dark place, but you have told us this talk, and now we are very happy. Thank you”
Ndamianut - I am a very bad man. I have done very many evil things. Can it be true that Jesus could pay my whole sin debt, even if I have sinned so much?” I told him that it was true. If he put his faith in the completed work that Jesus did on the cross, then Jesus has already paid for his full sin debt. He was amazed by this talk-as if it was too good to believe. I then went through the main points of what we had learned over the previous 3 months. God, man, sin, payment for sin is death, Old Testament sacrificial system, how the blood of sheep and lambs covered the sin of old test saints. And then about Jesus, that He was God, came to earth to save Yahweh’s sheep. And how Jesus paid the sin debt and fully satisfied Yahweh. Ndamianut knew all these points well, and answered questions, and even finished some of my statements for me. He said that, he was believing on what Jesus did for him. That Jesus paid his sin debt, and that because of that he was a child of Yahweh.
Ndameci -had been faithfully coming to almost all the sessions. He had told me in the past how he really wanted the teaching. He was also very fearful of his sinful state before Yawe. Over the months he consistently showed concern for his sinfulness and faithfully listened every day. He is a man of very few words, and so I was really happy to hear what came out of his mouth. He told me this morning, “Inyabua (my wano name), I believe this talk. I understand it now. As you have been teaching, I have been confused about how I could be born again and joined with Yahweh. I know I have done many bad things. But now I am understanding this talk. Jesus, has paid my sin debt in full. He has paid for my sin debt fully, and now because I believe on what Jesus did, and because I am leaning on him, I am a child of Yahweh. I am very happy. Not just a little happy, but very happy. That is what is on my heart, and that is all I have to say.”Landun – clearly understood and gave a crystal clear testimony of Christ’s blood making the complete payment for his sin debt. He did have one question though, and that was that they have been told many times that people who have killed other people can never join up with God. He told me that a long time ago he and three guys killed one guy and then later, he was involved in killing three ladies thinking they were witches. He said that the whole time he has been listening to the teaching his heart has felt like crying because he didn’t think he could ever join up with God. However, he now realizes that Jesus paid his complete sin debt, even that of killing other people. He said that Jesus’ blood made the way for us to join up with God and that he believes the talk.
Tionggen – “Back before you guys came here we were always being told that having two wives, or having killed someone, smoking and chewing betelnut that we were Satan’s children but the religious people who didn’t do those things were God’s children. We were in complete darkness but you guys came and brought the light. You guys told us God’s true talk and we now understand that there is no way for us to join up with God because we are all sinners. Only God can save us and Jesus paid the punishment for our sins with his blood when he died on the cross.”
Madukumi – “I had already died (been very sick) but God’s power brought me back (healed me) to life and Jesus paid the penalty for my sins. I am a very old lady and my bones should have already been burned in the cremation fires, but I have heard the talk and God has saved me”
Ira – “I live way down river but God brought me here in order for me to hear this talk. We have heard some of God’s talk with a little bit from here and a little bit from there, mixed with man’s talk but the whole story was never told to us. We didn’t know the true talk but now because God brought me here, I have heard it. We are sinners and we can’t do anything to join up with God but Jesus, in His pity for us, placed our sin debt for us. He did an amazing thing for us”Orobeka - her husband told Mike the other day that whether she was in her garden or in the house she was talking about Yahweh's talk. Monday after the teaching. She came over to where I (Libby) was standing by the chronological pictures. She was looking at the pictures of Christ in the garden of Gethsemane, of him being brought before Pilate, and on the cross. She kept wiping the tears away as she was saying "He did that for me. He did that for me."
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Going to Israel
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
How to Do What You Were Made For-- Here's a Very Good List
How Can I Glorify God?
Source: thegospelcoalition.org
Monday, October 4, 2010
Keep praying for the Wilds, their teammates, and the Wano people, that Light will dawn in the utter darkness of sin and death! Please read how you can pray.
Wano Update
I know I have written this before, but being here in Wanoland at this time is such a privilege. To see God working, His Spirit active and moving in the hearts of people that have previously not had a chance to understand truth is truly an amazing thing. The Bible says that His sheep will hear His voice and will come to Him. We are seeing God's promise of those not yet in His fold hearing His voice and responding to truth. God is not slow in keeping His promises but instead He is patient willing that none of them would perish. He foretold so long ago that people from every tribe, tongue and nation would know Him and He had the Wano people in mind.
This week during the teaching, Christ's life and ministry continued to unfold. This morning after Tim taught the lesson on the parable of the sower, Mike got a chance to sit and talk to a man named Wetenut. This man, to my knowledge, has not missed a lesson. He sits right up front, literally soaking up every word. This morning as he and Mike were chatting about the different types of soils (different types of hearts), Mike said that he was glad to see how Wetenut was listening and so interested in the teaching. After Mike said this, Wetinut said to Mike with tears in his eyes, "I was in Satan's hand, but because you have come, now I am hearing God's true talk." He was really choked up and it was so clear to Mike that he is ready to put his faith in what Christ did at the cross.
Not for our sake, but for the sake of these people, do not grow weary in praying for them. We have about 11 more teaching days left until we present the Gospel. I have compiled a list of families in our areas, if you would like this list to be praying specifically by name respond to this email and I will send it to you.
with love from Wanoland,
Libby for the Wilds