Some Thoughts on 2 Thessalonians 3:1
June 12, 2013
This morning I asked Denise Melendez, one of our great staff members, to include this Scripture verse in our newsletter article about missions, outreach and disciple-building this summer:
"Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored, as is happened among you…" (2 Thes. 3:1)
What does it mean for "the word of the Lord" to speed ahead and be honored? This phrase pictures God's word as a runner in a foot race set on attaining the goal—victory, honor, glory. His Truth will "finish first" and be acclaimed over all other religions, worldviews, and theories. Christ will be shown to be "the Way, the Truth, and the Life" and that no one comes to God except through Him (John 14:6).
And in Paul's obvious context of gospel mission and witness, he calls us to pray for this to happen! The Scriptures will have their life-giving effect in countless people from every people group on the earth as "faith comes from hearing, hearing by the word of Christ" (Rom. 10:17).
"God will indeed cause his word to be glorified, but he does not intend to win the victory without prayer" (Piper, "The Power That Wields the Weapon", Jan., 1985).
That's why I included 2 Thes. 3:1 in this week's newsletter article about a mission trip to Haiti, and outreach/disciple-building ministries at Rocky like the Rock, Little Rock, and S.I.T. In these strategic ministries, the aim is to proclaim and show Christ and His gospel. So it is vital for us to pray that the Word would powerfully speed ahead and work in the lives of adults and children in Haiti and Niceville! The Word is mighty to save! In the last several months we have had the deep joy of seeing people drawn to Christ for salvation from sin and death—Praise God for His goodness and grace! Let us pray 2 Thes. 3:1 prayers for more of this, for our joy and the glory of Christ! And let us pray this way for our missionaries when we meet on June 30 to pray together!
Also, as I meditated on this verse, I thought of another important reason to pray that "the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored". It is that the Scriptures are essential and powerful for our sanctification and purification as we pursue holiness—lives set apart more and more for the glory of God in everything.
Therefore, let us pray for ourselves and one another that the Word will speed ahead and be glorified in us! Let us pray that we will gladly "let the word of Christ dwell in [us] richly" (Col. 3:16); that we would be set apart for God as the Lord Jesus prayed in John 17:17, "Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth"; that our hearts would be purified by to the truth (1 Pet. 1:22); and that we would offer ourselves to the Lord for His surgically precise, convicting and sanctifying work as He applies His Word to our lives (Heb. 4:11-13).
Then, as we internalize the Word of God and welcome its life-shaping, sanctifying power applied by the Holy Spirit, we will assuredly be more and more fitted as conduits through whom "the word of the Lord will speed ahead" as we proclaim Jesus Christ in witness and missions.
O God, cause your precious, strong Word to speed ahead in us and through us!