Pastor DeYoung is right. We are all natural evangelists for the people and things we love the most. Spouse, family, church, military service, food, sport, travel destination, television, electronic gizmo, movie, author... I could go on and on.
Am I a natural evangelist for the living Christ? Are you? The more we know Him and love Him, the more we naturally overflow and talk about Him.
Resurrection Sunday is four days away. Jesus lives, so we don't trust a dead teacher's instructions. We believe in and love the Son of God and Savior who died for our trespasses and was raised for our justification (Rom. 4:25). Talk to unbelievers about Christ this week; they desperately need to know Him! Bring them with you to hear the gospel on Resurrection Sunday and afterward pursue an ongoing conversation with them about Christ. He lives and will help you (John 14:25-26).
It is my prayer for myself and Rocky, too!