1. If you have heard the call of God's compassionate grace and received rescue from sin and death through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, you have a calling like Jonah. What an amazing privilege to be called to speak for Christ! Are you obeying Him or running away? If He calls you to a very hard, even threatening place, will you go?
2. Are unbelieving observers and listeners to your life drawn to acknowledge God and perhaps move toward worshiping Him (as the pagan sailors were)?
3. Are you continually astounded at the loving-kindness, patience and compassion of God toward you through Jesus Christ?
4. Is yours a theology of God's greatness and glory or of self-centered "sovereignty"?
5. Are you open to the proclamation of God's Word, especially when it brings conviction of your sin?
6. Will you long for and pray that God would move mightily through preachers and witnesses of the Word? Through your own witness?
7. Do you believe that God can and will move astonishingly among people-- even entire cities and people groups? Or do you say, "That was then, this is now?" And will you believe that God will bring about the gospel's spread through turmoil and tragedy in today's world?
8. Down deep do you rule out certain people as undesirable and undeserving of the gospel of Christ because they are who they are, like Jonah did? Islamists; drug gangsters; abortionists; colleagues and relatives who are "burrs under the saddle" of your life; others?
9. Do you quickly assent to the truth that people from every tongue and people group will be won to Christ, but you would much rather not be used to bring it about because of what it would cost you? Or would it even be fine with you if you were dead before it happens?
10. Do you place limits on God's sovereignty and resent Him when He calls you to hard things or takes away your "shady place" in life? (Added after Sunday-- Are you angry with God when you know well what following Jesus requires of you, especially in very hard circumstances, and you want to rebel (even in a premeditated, planned way as Jonah did)? For example, you know that following Christ calls for you to stay in your difficult marriage and you are angry and thinking of getting out? Or, following Christ calls you to hold lightly to your children and the thought of having your son or daughter live in a dangerous place for the gospel's sake upsets you to the point of distress and anger?)
11. How does your compassion measure with God's?
Tip: Please bring this list with you to the All-Church Prayer Meeting on Sunday evening, Sept. 30, 6pm.
Prayerfully continuing to process these questions for myself, and praying for you who read and answer the questions,
Pastor Carey
Thanks! I missed most of these in my notes.
ReplyDeleteThanks! I missed most of these in my notes.