Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Blessings on you, Pastor Dale!

On March 1, 2009, Pastor Dale Julio, our wonderful Associate Pastor for over ten years at Rocky Bayou Baptist Church, said farewell to us. He and Susan are answering God’s call to another vocation for a season and are aspiring to involvement as missionaries to Europe in the future.

As he preached his last sermon at Rocky that day, Dale opened Hebrews 13:17-21 to us in a humble, effective way, calling us to obey and honor our spiritual leaders, to pray, and to do God’s will. I commend his message to you who are reading this post; you may listen to him on our website.

Dale, may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abound more and more to you, Susan and your children! I will miss you and miss you already.

Pastor Carey

1 comment:

  1. Rudy and I echo your comments Pastor Carey. We have been so blessed by the ministry of Pastor Dale and his family. The funny thing is, they probably never even knew of how they had touched our lives and encouraged us in our faith. It is by observing their lives and seeing their heart for each other as a family, and for our God that has encouraged us. WE will miss them BIG TIME.
    We will pray for them and trust that the Lord is guiding their path in a new way. God Bless you Julio Family! Love, Rudy and Kim Burton
