Tuesday, August 30, 2011

carey@rockybayoubaptist.org has shared: Don’t Neglect the Horizontal Dimension of Singing and Worship

Worth reading...
Don’t Neglect the Horizontal Dimension of Singing and Worship
Source: thegospelcoalition.org

Justin Taylor|12:00 pm CT Godward vertical worship—in preaching, prayer, singing, communion—is our ultimate aim when the church gathers together. But we should not neglect the horizontal dimension of worship. With singing, for example, we are not only singing to God (in adoration and confession and thanksgiving and petition) but we are simultaneously supposed to sing to one another (in encouragement and edification, correction and instruction). For example, Paul says in Ephesians 5:18-19 that we...
carey@rockybayoubaptist.org sent this using ShareThis.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Called To Wrestle

As followers of the Lord Jesus Christ we are called to wrestle.  It is part of the discipleship package!  

On Thursday morning I saw a few minutes of unedited video taken by Mike and Libby Wild of the Wano people, and in one segment we saw a Wano man (before he was converted) fighting with his wives in the Wilds' front yard.  It was quite a scrap and, at one point, they were sort of wrestling!  That set me to thinking about the subject of fighting or wrestling, and I recalled Ephesians 6.  

There in verses 10--20, the apostle Paul gives instructions for spiritual fighting and his assumption is that there will be battles to be waged against dark powers, waged "in the strength of [the Lord's] might" while wearing His armor (vs. 10-11).  Then in verse 12: "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places."

So we are called to be wrestlers with strong foes, but not nearly as strong as our God who provides us his mighty strength and armor!  We are called to wrestle!  As I write this for Going Deeper at 10:57 A.M. on August 25, I am greatly helped by the Scripture of Ephesians 6 as I wrestle.  

Join me in wrestling, for the glory of God and the advance of the gospel of Christ!   

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

RBBC, Please Prepare for August 28th

Jesus spoke these words: "And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come" (Matthew 24:14).

Next Sunday, August 28, will be a delightful day of rejoicing in God's grace as we celebrate this-- that the Wano people, a tribal people group of Papua Indonesia, has been reached with the great gospel of Christ!  We will praise God for His deep love for the peoples of the world, thank Him for being faithful to His promise, and pray for the Wano-- their growth and perseverance in faith, the development of Wano leaders as as a church is established, the conversion of more Wano people, and for Mike and Libby Wild and their teammates in missions.  And we will consider Psalm 67 together, too.  Please prepare for Sunday by reading and meditating on this Psalm.

"Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you."

The Preeminence of Jesus Is for Everyday Life


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Rocky Family: Prepare for August 21

On Sunday, August 21, the sermon text will be Acts 17:10-15.  I encourage you to prepare for Sunday by reading and meditating on this great passage.  Like those of Berea, let us "receive the word with all eagerness".  Eagerness, a great word and a great response to the greatest Book!

What In The World Is Happening?

Charles Spurgeon preached these words in his sermon, "The World on Fire", on August 3, 1873.  Apt today for those who have ears-- At certain points it has seemed to the Most High to be imperatively necessary to send great calamities upon mankind lest pride, oppression, and profanity should cause society utterly to rot."

"The fall of dynasties, the overthrow of empires, devastating wars, and dire famines have been necessities of God's moral government, bits in men's mouths, bridles for their arrogance, checks to their licentiousness.  The Lord is slow to smite the wicked, for his tender mercy is great, and he delights not in the sufferings of men, and therefore he keeps arrows in his quiver, and hangs up his bow; but, alas, men take advantage of his love to grow grossly sinful, and to blaspheme his name."

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Paul and the Slave-Girl

Why was Paul annoyed with the slave-girl in Acts 16:18?  When I preached from this text on August 7 I asked for help in answering this question, and I posted one response yesterday.  Here is another fine answer from a Rocky member:

"Could it be that it was because Christ Himself forbid the demons to proclaim Him Lord... 'Just then there was a man in the synagogue  who had an evil spirit in him.  He shouted, 'Jesus of Nazareth!  What do you want with us?  Did you come to destroy us?  I know who you are-- God's Holy One!'  Jesus commanded the evil spirit, 'Be quiet!  Come out of the man!' (Mark 3:11-12)"

"What they said was true, but it was not their place to say, as they were servants and messengers of the Father of Lies.  He (Christ and also Paul) probably did not want the truth coming from those that spread lies, as this would distort it.  And everyone knew that this girl was demon possessed, or at least, they considered her 'crazy', so if they heard the truth from her mouth, they probably would not view it as being the truth and thus dismiss it, or even deny it.  It could also be that he was tired of having someone in his face (or ears) for so long... most of us would too!"

I thank both these RBBC members for their thoughtful consideration of the Word!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Paul and the Tormented Slave-Girl

Last Sunday I asked this question (following is an approximation of my words): "Why was Paul annoyed with the slave-girl who followed him and his team around, crying out, 'These men are servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to you the way of salvation.'"  I said I wasn't sure of the answer and invited listeners to help me with it.

Following our gathered worship time a member of our church gave a possible answer.  She said it was because the woman, being influenced by an evil spirit, spoke mockingly and derisively of God and His way of salvation.  Hers was far from a desire to glorify and honor God and His Son.  So, of course, Paul was annoyed and saw to it that she stopped!  I think this is an excellent thought and I commend it to you and thank our dear sister in Christ for her thoughtful consideration of God's Word.  Do others have thoughts to share?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Communion On Sunday

Dear Rocky Family,

On Sunday, morning, August 7, 2011, we will have the deep privilege of sharing in communion together.  I encourage you to begin preparing for it now by reading and reflecting on 1 Corinthians 11:17-32.  Communion-- when we eat and drink in remembrance of our Lord, and we are reminded that Christ and His cross are at the center and that He is the Gospel.  Communion-- when we share in it properly, the gospel of Christ is driven deeply into our souls. Communion-- we remember and rejoice because "the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9).  Communion-- come to the Lord's Table.

I will be preaching from Acts 16:16-40, "Midnight Worship in a Philippian Jail".  This is the passage that records the conversion of the jailer in Philippi who had charge of Paul and Silas.  I'm wondering, "What was this man like?"  How do you imagine him to be?  

Please pray for our gathered worship time on Sunday.  I need it and so do you and all who come.