Tuesday, February 8, 2011

One More Point from "A Surprise Answer to Prayer"

Dear Rocky Family,  

I long for this, that more and more we would delight ourselves in being people of desperate prayer and intercession because God is pleased to work on our behalf when we wait upon Him (Isaiah 64:4)!  Last Sunday morning, in my sermon from Acts 11:19-30, I said that the church's reaction to life-and-death circumstances (James martyred and Peter in Peter awaiting execution) was EARNEST PRAYER.  

For the sake of time I did not say this: By all means let us be a church who prays during dire times for us, but let us DO ALL OF LIFE BY PRAYER.  Two reasons for this: 1. Because at any given time around the globe, life and death realities are happening among the body of Christ (for example, the persecuted church) with whom we are one in Jesus, and because at any given time loved ones in our fellowship are facing hard, deep struggles like cancer and broken hearts, and because we are all engaged in kingdom living for which we need God's power; and 2. Because we cannot do anything apart from Him (John 15:5).  As branches in the Vine, who is Christ, prayer connects us to Him and the vitality of His life in us.

The Lord calls us to this praying life?  Are we there yet?  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Pastor, more and more Father is opening my eyes to the life that is continually in prayer. Praying for one anotherallows one even in absence to be present. I have experienced the peace of knowing others are interceding at times when my own thoughts are so jumbled I could only bow my head and know He knew my heart. Prayer does connect us to Him and His life.
