Monday, October 4, 2010

Keep praying for the Wilds, their teammates, and the Wano people, that Light will dawn in the utter darkness of sin and death! Please read how you can pray.

Wano Update

I know I have written this before, but being here in Wanoland at this time is such a privilege.  To see God working, His Spirit active and moving in the hearts of people that have previously not had a chance to understand truth is truly an amazing thing.  The Bible says that His sheep will hear His voice and will come to Him.  We are seeing God's promise of those not yet in His fold hearing His voice and responding to truth.  God is not slow in keeping His promises but instead He is patient willing that none of them would perish.  He foretold so long ago that people from every tribe, tongue and nation would know Him and He had the Wano people in mind. 

This week during the teaching, Christ's life and ministry continued to unfold.  This morning after Tim taught the lesson on the parable of the sower, Mike got a chance to sit and talk to a man named Wetenut.  This man, to my knowledge, has not missed a lesson.  He sits right up front, literally soaking up every word.   This morning as he and Mike were chatting about the different types of soils (different types of hearts), Mike said that he was glad to see how Wetenut was listening and so interested in the teaching.  After Mike said this, Wetinut said to Mike with tears in his eyes, "I was in Satan's hand, but because you have come, now I am hearing God's true talk."  He was really choked up and it was so clear to Mike that he is ready to put his faith in what Christ did at the cross. 

Not for our sake, but for the sake of these people, do not grow weary in praying for them.  We have about 11 more teaching days left until we present the Gospel.  I have compiled a list of families in our areas, if you would like this list to be praying specifically by name respond to this email and I will send it to you. 

with love from Wanoland,

Libby for the Wilds


1 comment:

  1. This is truly the beauty of Christ and what He did for lost mankind on the cross! Praise God!
