Thursday, December 30, 2010

Another Bible Reading Plan

Here is another Bible reading plan that is more challenging but highly recommended.  It is a system designed by Prof. Grant Horner and you may find it at, in a Dec. 29 entry entitled "Why I'm Reading the Bible in Ten Different Places".  I came across this one today (Dec. 30) and may decide to use it instead of M'Cheyne's plan.


  1. Thanks so much for these recommendation! I have printed the plan for 10 chapters in 10 sounds ambitious but also very appealing. Thanks for shepherding us so faitfully at RBBC. Happy 2011!

  2. Any Bible reading plan is better than no plan!! I'm doing something different this year and just reading the New Testament in a year with hopes of getting deeper. My prayer is that MANY at Rocky will adopt any of the plans and stick to them!!

  3. Thanks to your recommendation last year :)I read the whole Bible in 2010 and absolutely loved it !!! I agree with Amy and Billy .....thankful for you and all you share and most of all your faithful preaching/teaching of the word of God !
