Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Poem, 2010

Of Christmas Angels in the Gospel of Luke

Adorning our indoor trees and lighted lawn displays
are fancified, winged silhouettes, ashine—
Symbols of God’s angels sent to earth
right on time to speak His glorious praise;
to announce God’s Son Incarnate, sublime—
down from heaven’s throne for his humble birth.

In Herod’s days, an old priest—his name, Zechariah—
Was chosen to serve God in the holy place—
A thrill he’d anticipated for years!
By the incense altar, Zechariah saw
The Lord’s angel looking him right in the face!
Zechariah’s body shook, his frame draped in fear.

The angel spoke, “Don’t be afraid; your prayers God has heard.
Elizabeth, your precious wife, and you
Will have a boy named John, though you’re very old.
Many will rejoice as he works to spread the word
About Messiah, heaven-sent Truth,
To make ready a people, as prophets foretold.”

But Zechariah said, “How shall I know this?  We’re old enough to die.”
“I’m Gabriel, I stand in God’s presence,
And He sent me to bring this great news!
Behold you will be silenced until John cries
When he’s born just a few months hence.
This will be fulfilled when the time is due.”

Later Gabriel was sent by God—this angel of great fame—
To Mary, a virgin girl in Galilee,
And Joseph was her man to marry.
“Greetings, God’s favor is with you,” Gabriel’s words came.
She was troubled…What could this be?
The angel helped, “God chose you; don’t be wary.”

“You will be God’s Son’s mother and Jesus will be His name.”
“Wait, I’m a virgin, how can this be?”
“The power of the Most High will come upon you;
Holy will be the newborn child’s name.
Look, old Elizabeth is pregnant, see?”
And Mary said, “I’ll be the Lord’s servant, too.”

In David’s town Mary’s time came and she birthed him--
--Her firstborn son, swaddling him secure,
And bedded him in a cow shed manger,
Because no rooms were vacant in the inn.
Amazing!  Heaven’s prince born in a stable poor,
With Mary and Joseph, unaware of future danger.

That night, in close-by hills there were shepherds guarding their flock,
When quiet broke and an angel appeared—
And all around them God’s glory burned bright!
Terrified, the men were frozen with shock!
The angel said, “Behold, you’ve no need to fear.
Good news I bring for all people’s great joy and delight!”

“Unto you is born this day a Savior, there in town,
And He will be called Christ the Lord!
A sign for you is this: A baby you will espy
Lying in an ordinary manger, in swaddling rags wound.”
Suddenly a host of angels joined to praise God and adore,
“Peace among those with whom God is pleased; Glory to Him on high!”

Glorious, fearsome, bright, exotic—angels are awesome!
Some fixate on the mysterious and heavenly.
But let us take care to guard our hearts,
Recalling always and now when Christmas comes,
That angels play supporting roles; Christ’s the One to see!
Yes, Jesus is the Star and angels play smaller parts.

As messengers of heaven’s King, angels set the stage
For the Son who came to earth a man,
To turn many hearts to God their Lord.
They prepared Jesus’ mother to turn life’s page
And give life to Him, the Son of Man,
Whose body would be shattered and life-blood outpoured.

So let us join the angel-ranks and serve our Lord with praise,
Using all our life to magnify our King and…
“Hail the heav’n born Prince of Peace!  Hail the Sun of Righteousness!
Light and life to all He brings, ris’n with healing in His wings!
Mild He lays His glory by, born that man no more may die,
Born to raise the sons of earth, born to give them second birth.
Hark the Rocky Family (sings and speaks and lives), ‘Glory to the newborn King.”


  1. Thank you Pastor Olson, I love your Christmas Poems.....and may our Rocky Family rejoice in Praise!!

  2. May THE GIFT of Christmas keep giving to all the families in Niceville that need the Savior!
